Categories: Content Marketing

How to Do Blogger Outreach And is it Worth Your SEO Effort?

One of the biggest challenges for anyone with a blog or website is getting people to visit it. And one of the best ways to do that is through blogger outreach. In this post, we’ll explain exactly how you can use blogger outreach to grow your blog’s audience and what you need to know before you get started.

A guest post is the hallmark of blogger outreach service. When you engage in blog outreach, you are essentially looking for a guest posting service that will help you in link building. Link juice is key to driving traffic to your website and elevating your Domain Authority and Page Authority. This signals search engines that your domain is well respected in your fraternity. Therefore, you need to use your blogger outreach tool to find like-minded websites that do the same business you do.

If you run a content marketing firm, then you should find another non-competing firm in another country. Find an influential blogger in your domain, create an email template, and do your email outreach as part of your seo services. Your blogger outreach campaign should target relevant bloggers through the manual outreach method for optimal traction. Look out for those who offer guest post service. This kind of influencer marketing fetches great results because your blog post is being publishing on a high-ranking website giving back link juice to your low ranking website through hyperlinks or bio.

Ideally, go for contextual links to your website rather than blog bios, because many farms have cropped up, giving ‘write for us’ pages a bad name. Not that all the websites are spammy. We have a ‘write for us’ page too. Therefore, observe, study, and only then proceed with your blogger outreach campaigns. Remember, it’s quality content that everyone seeks. If your guest posting satisfies that one criteria, your blog post should be acceptable to gain brand awareness for your firm.

What is blogger outreach?

Blogger outreach is a strategy that allows you to reach out to bloggers and other content creators in your industry. The idea behind blogger outreach is simple: get them to write about your product or service. This can be done through email pitches, or by asking them directly on social media.

When done right, blogger outreach can help you rank higher in search engines (like Google) and increase traffic to your website by driving people from external sites, like the ones that published your piece.

Why you might want to think about using it.

Blogger outreach can be a good investment for your business. You can use it to reach out and connect with influencers in your industry. Get the attention of journalists and media outlets. Or even expand your brand’s reach by building relationships with other bloggers.

There are many potential benefits to using blogger outreach as part of your marketing strategy. Here are some examples:

If you’re looking for an effective way to increase traffic to your website, blogger outreach can help you do that. The more people who share your content on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Business, or Twitter, the more likely it is that people will see it—and hopefully click through! That means more eyes on your site and more leads coming in the door!

Blogger outreach also gives you access to previously untapped audiences and what makes them tick. By getting someone who writes about similar topics but has different perspectives from themselves, the readers get to see another perspective which might inspire them to improve their future projects.

How to do blogger outreach

Blogger outreach is a great way to get in front of new audiences, build relationships with bloggers and influencers, and ultimately drive traffic back to your website.

To do blogger outreach effectively, you will need to find relevant blogs that are writing about topics similar to yours. Then reach out directly via email or social media message. 

Here are the steps:

Find blogs that relate closely to your niche: Use Google Search Operators (or Google Webmaster Tools) to look for blog posts that are similar or complementary content related to your industry. You can also check out other sites like BuzzSumo and Followerwonk if you have time/money on hand!

Some mistakes people make when they do blogger outreach

Let’s talk about some common mistakes people make when they do blogger outreach. A lot of bloggers are faced with many requests from brands, so you want to make sure that your approach is personal. This can be done by thinking about the kind of blogger outreach you need.

What kind of services do you need? Do you need content created or an influencer campaign executed? How much time can you devote to the project? Some bloggers have more free time than others and will be more willing to work with brands who have longer-term goals (e.g., product launches). If a brand only wants one post written on their product launch day, then it’s probably not worth reaching out as it’ll be too last minute for most influencers.

How much money are you willing to pay? This won’t matter if an influencer is interested in creating a relationship with your company. But many times, the bloggers aren’t looking just at dollar signs; they’re looking at working with someone who appreciates their advice and ideas as well (and has been paying attention during their interactions). You’ll also want this information when deciding who should be included in any outreach program—some bloggers charge less than others for similar services.

When it makes sense to hire a professional to help you with your blogger outreach.

There are a few instances where you may want to consider hiring a professional. One of these is if you have a lot of time constraints and need help getting your content published quickly. If you have a big release coming up, or even just one or two smaller releases, then hiring someone could be beneficial.

Another reason why it makes sense to hire someone is if there are many different people involved in the process (i.e., multiple editors). Hiring an outside editor instead of trying to coordinate all those emails yourself can save tons of time and headache.

Hiring an expert can also help ensure that all your outreach efforts are done correctly: You don’t want someone spamming influencers without permission! Finally, hiring someone gives them specific tasks so they aren’t wasting their talent on things that don’t matter as much for SEO purposes (like writing about their new product).

Blogger outreach is a powerful way to market your blog or website and can be a very good investment.

It’s also a great way to build relationships with influencers.

It can help you get backlinks from sites that have high domain authority, which will make it easier for search engines like Google and Bing to find your content and rank it higher in their SERPs (search engine result pages).

We have found blogger outreach to be quite helpful in the past and would not hesitate to recommend it as an SEO strategy for others. There are some things you should know about before trying this out though, such as how hard and time-consuming the work can be (especially if you do not have much experience with sales or other types of marketing). It’s also important to make sure that your product or service will actually benefit bloggers because they may be hesitant at first due to unfamiliarity with what you offer.

And finally…

Your outreach effort and your outreach strategy should be all about quality links and the right link placement with anchor text. Once you identify such a good website which appeals to your target audience, contact the blog owner, and email them your request to write a quality blog post for them. If they accept, you are on a roll. But remember, it’s a volume game. Write to a 100 of them, and perhaps 5 might agree. Be realistic and you will never be disappointed with your blogger outreach strategy.

Zahidd H Javaali

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