Content Marketing

Content Creation Mastery: 7 Ways to Get Noticed

India is a gigantic market for high quality content and it’s not going away anytime soon. In fact, one survey points out that 85% of internet users in India watch online video content. As more people gained access to the internet and smartphones, that number grew to 749 million Internet users in India in 2020, and estimated to grow to 1.5 billion users by 2040. However, if you want your website or blog to flourish within this space, you’ll have to get creative about how you promote your content. Don’t worry! This blog post will give you an overview of seven tips for making your web presence known in India or anywhere in the world.

How to get your content noticed depends on your social media content, email marketing, Instagram stories, brand awareness campaigns, the social media platform you are targetting, and your target audience. If you are a content creator, your follower count should determine the success of your social media post. You don’t need google ad if you believe in organic traffic. And that is only possible with the right content marketing strategy. And this includes the right social media marketing strategy and relevant hashtags.

Your original content should also be valuable content in the form of guest blogging or guest posts to enhance your blog traffic. Post new content consistently and engage in blog promotion through an impeccable social media strategy where you share your blog articles. Content distribution is just as important as content creation. Relevant content can be more valuable than ad space for search results to be in your favour.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to serve content in the viewer’s time zone and geographical location.

A CDN is used to deliver a website’s content faster, but it should not be confused with an origin server. An origin server is where your website files are stored, whereas a CDN distributes those same files around the world by connecting to multiple servers (usually on different continents). A CDN will also cache your site’s static assets like CSS and HTML files, so that when someone visits your website again, they won’t have to wait for these files to download again. This can significantly reduce load times on your own servers as well as improve page loads for users anywhere in the world!

Keep the content fresh and relevant.

It’s important to keep your content as fresh and relevant as possible. This means that you should use a content management system to update your site with new information on a regular basis, including blog posts and social media updates. It also means staying up-to-date with what’s happening in the industry so that your content can be used as part of any special events or product releases.
If you don’t have the time or resources for this kind of upkeep, consider hiring an SEO company like Write Wing Media that specialises in creating high-quality, unique content on topics related to yours. They will provide everything from keyword research to writing articles based on your brand’s needs while keeping them fresh by using keywords that are relevant now rather than several years ago (which is when most companies stop updating their sites).

User-generated content can bring in more viewers.

Another great way to get your content noticed is to turn users into creators. User-generated content is a powerful tool for building a community, attracting traffic and increasing engagement. It can also help you reach new audiences and make the most of your social media channels.
To encourage user-generated content, you need to give people an opportunity to participate in your business or brand by offering them something they won’t find anywhere else—like a chance at freebies or prizes, for example.

Design your website for mobile users.

If you want to reach out to a mobile-focused audience, then it’s important that you design your website for mobile users. In other words, make sure the content is easy to read and navigate on smaller screens.
You can do this by using a responsive design or a mobile-friendly theme (like WordPress). Some CMSs also offer plugins that integrate well with responsive themes.
If you’re making your own website from scratch, choose a template that works well on different platforms (iPhones and Android devices) so that your readers don’t have trouble accessing whatever information they need from their phones and tablets.

Optimise your content for search engines to ensure that it shows up at the top of a user’s results page.

SEO is an abbreviation for “search engine optimisation,” which refers to the process of improving the visibility of a website or webpage in search engine results pages (SERPs). There are many factors that go into determining where content ranks on SERPs, but one extremely important factor is SEO. SEO can be broken down into three categories: on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO. On-page SEO means that you’re optimising your site so that it ranks higher based on how relevant your content is to users’ searches. Off-page SEO refers to strategies like getting backlinks from other websites. Technical SEO involves building out certain aspects of your website, such as meta descriptions and alt tags for images. With this approach, Google will understand what each page offers without having to crawl through it first before ranking its relevance with other sites having similar content.

Use social media to drive traffic toward your content

Use social media to promote your content and engage with your audience. Use the medium to create a community around your content. Leverage the platform as a customer base for future campaigns or products that you want to sell; this is called “social selling”.

The audience is out there, you just need to find them!

You may have heard that India is a big market, but it’s also a crowded one. You can’t just jump in and expect to get noticed—you need to know where your audience is, how they’re finding content and what they want from you.
There’s a lot of competition for eyeballs in this country. That’s why it’s important for businesses to focus on specialties (like financial services) or niche audiences (like millennials). It also helps if you speak Hindi or another Indian language. Not only will you find more readers who speak regional languages, but if your company has an office in India or anywhere else overseas, localising your website with translation software will ensure that everyone sees the same thing!
If all these factors conspire against you? Then there’s always SEO: Search Engine Optimisation! With SEO techniques like keyword research and link building, even the smallest webmaster can rank high on Google searches—and get lots of traffic from curious users looking for answers about their problems or questions about their day-to-day lives.


It would be easy to assume that creating content in India is difficult because of the sheer size of the country, but it’s not impossible. With so many different languages spoken by people all over this vast country, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could find an audience for their work. However, there are a few tricks that can help you reach more Indians with your message. First and foremost, use social media as a platform to reach potential readers. Also, create localised versions of your site so they don’t have to search high and low through bulky international sites just looking for something relevant. Finally, optimise SEO keywords whenever possible!

Zahidd H Javaali

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