Categories: Content Marketing

Content Writing: Create a Blog Post That Gets Your Audience Talking

Writing a blog post is an art form that can be challenging to master. Blogging is great, but it’s not easy for some people to write a compelling blog post. First, you need a topic. Next, you have to choose the many sections that will go into your post. Then, you have to think about what should go in each segment. When you’re writing a blog post, it’s important to get your audience talking. The best way to do this is by making sure your content is relevant and engaging. You can do this by using the following tips and building your content roadmap

First, choose a topic you are passionate about

Just as your audience is more likely to buy from someone they know and trust, they’re also more likely to read blog posts written by people whose passions align with their own. There’s no point in writing about something if it bores the pants off of your readers and leaves them cold. If you as a freelance writer can’t think of anything personal or interesting to say on a certain topic, don’t force yourself into it! You can always try researching other writers who have covered similar topics and see what makes their posts work so well. Get inspired by their writing skills and create an engaging piece of content that rocks!

What’s the hook?

The hook is the first sentence of a blog post. It’s what gets your readers interested so they keep reading. A good hook should be a question that makes the reader want to find out more. The hook doesn’t have to be mind-blowing or dramatic. It shouldn’t be, because that would make it seem like you’re trying too hard. Write content that is both short and sweet. If you can say it in one sentence, great! If not, feel free to expand on it later in your post as long as there’s still something interesting for people.

Use an engaging title and opening sentence

In content marketing, writing an excellent blog post starts before you actually write the blog post. Crafting the content strategy begins with keyword research. This is followed by your choice of title and opening sentence. The title of your article should be catchy, relevant to the content and easy to remember because people will see it in search results or social media feeds. Your opening sentence should be intriguing and set the tone for the rest of the article so don’t hesitate to use a hook – a bit of information that makes people want to read more. Once you’ve written these essential parts of your professional content (and edited them until they’re perfect), you can move on to writing your actual content!

Include arresting imagery

As you begin to write your blog post, be sure to include multimedia, such as pictures, videos or audio recordings to make your types of content more interesting. You can use images inside the text of your blog post by using images from a stock photo site like Pixabay, Pexels, Shutterstock or Fotolia. Some bloggers also create their own graphics using tools like Canva and PicMonkey. Images are one of the best ways to capture a reader’s attention and keep them engaged in what you’re writing about.

If you want to show people how something works or how it looks in action, then adding a video is perfect for that! Videos will give readers an idea of what they’re going through without having them read endless paragraphs. 

Format your blog content

Make sure you format your blog content for easy skimming. You can do this simply by using subheadings, bullets, numbered lists and bold text during your content creation. Bullet points are a great way of grabbing the attention of readers because they break up the text and make it easier to read. They also help with SEO (search engine optimization) when used properly! Numbered lists are another great way to break up content into smaller chunks, so readers can easily digest what you’re saying. Subheadings are useful for showing where each section begins and ends. Besides, this type of formatting allows readers an easy way to leave their current page without losing track of where they left off in your article!

Write conversationally

Some people get stuck on the first tip because they think they have to use words like “thus” and “moreover.” In reality, your blog should be written in a conversational tone that sounds as though you are talking to someone directly. Be informal and friendly. Don’t use jargon or industry-specific terminology unless it’s absolutely critical for understanding what you’re saying. Use contractions (for example, don’t say “it is,” just say “it’s”) and abbreviations (“i.e.,” not “in essence”). And write in an active voice rather than a passive voice. Instead of “The ingredients were mixed,” write “We mixed the ingredients.”

Give something of value in each blog post

Whether it is a discount code or advice, people love a freebie! If you offer helpful information in exchange for their time, they will respond positively. To be clear: We are not talking about the annoying “5 Ways to [fill in the blank]” blog posts that are packed with fluff and use the same old tired advice we see everywhere else on the web. Instead, give your audience something that is unique and different from what other sites are doing—make them feel like you know them and understand their needs better than anyone else out there!

Be honest, funny, and tell a story

Be honest. Your readers will appreciate it if they know they can trust what you’re saying because it’s true. Be funny. People love laughing, so make sure your writing has some humour in it! You don’t need to be a comedian—just sprinkle in some jokes every now and then. Tell a story. Stories are great for engaging readers, so use them whenever possible!


Writing a blog post can seem like a daunting task, but there are many ways to get started. The key is knowing what your audience wants and giving them what they need. Remember that the content of your blog should be valuable and engaging. You may not think it’s important to include multimedia or provide helpful resources, but these things make a huge difference in how much engagement you receive from readers! If you want somebody else to do it for you, get in touch with Write Wing Media.

Zahidd H Javaali

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