Content Marketing

How to Make Viral Content: The 7-Step Secret Formula

You want your post to be read by thousands, maybe even millions. You want your viral content to take over the top spot on Reddit and get shared across social media platforms. You dream of being a viral sensation, whether you’re running a personal blog or working in marketing at a larger company. But how do you get there through viral marketing? How do you make your content go viral?

First off, a viral video succeeds for various reasons. You should choose the right social media platform and the perfect format. For example, if it’s reels on Instagram and threads on Twitter, that’s just what the platforms are favouring these days. This trend could change, just like life. So you have to always observe what’s working and jump on the trend. When things change, you should be able to detect, course correct, and capitalise on the change.

Every viral video has some sort of emotion attached to it. Brand awareness is created when you do this consistently through your visual content. Avoid negative emotions and become an influencer on the social network with your viral Instagram content and positive emotion. The viral status of a content creator depends on just long form content through blog posts but also a viral campaign through a social media post that allows social sharing, emotional response, and user generated content.

For example, you can remix others’ reels with your own on Instagram and make your reel, a viral hit. You can enhance watch time by linking to ‘related articles’ in your blog post. That’s the right content strategy for a viral blog post. It’s not just great content that works, but also the format and the social platform. If your marketing campaign has the peoples’ attention, your social media message could be the best piece of influencer marketing. When social shares go up, viral success is guaranteed.

This handy-dandy list on social media marketing should help you get there sooner rather than later. Read and implement now!

Write Strong Headlines and Include Numbers

The headline is the first thing people will see when you post your content on social media. It should immediately catch their attention, and it should be short, snappy, interesting and relevant to the content of your post. Your headlines should also be grammatically correct (no misspellings, please). Finally, they should be well written—you want them to sound catchy while still being informative enough so that readers know what they’re going into when they click through!

Make Your Content Readable

The first thing you should do to ensure that your content is readable is to keep sentences short, simple and active. A sentence should not be longer than 25 words and should contain no more than one main idea. Also, try to use the present tense instead of the past tense whenever possible. When writing in the past tense, it can sometimes feel awkward. For example: “After he had eaten a good breakfast he went outside for some fresh air.”

When writing actively, it’s important to use verbs in their base form (e.g. ‘eat’ rather than ‘eating’). Verbs are also great at expressing action when they’re used in compound form (e.g., ‘ran’, ‘swam’). For example: “He ran into town” vs “He was running into town”.

And if you’re looking for an easy way out while crafting an article or blog post, we have just one word for you: lists! Use them wherever possible because they break up text nicely and make it easier for readers to digest information quickly without having too much on their plate at once!

Know Your Audience

If you don’t know who you’re writing for and what they want, how can you possibly expect your content to go viral? You need to understand what your audience is interested in, what they’re looking for, and the questions they have.

Here are some specific questions that will help you get a better idea of what makes up this audience:

  • What do they care about? What’s important to them?
  • What do they need/want/desire? Why should they care or pay attention to your content (or site) in particular?
  • What’s making them anxious right now that needs addressing immediately (if applicable).

Be an Expert in Your Niche

Your content will go viral if it is relevant and interesting to your target audience. The best way to find out what your audience wants is by researching their interests, which you can do through social media or forums.

Once you have this information, write about the latest trends in your niche, news about developments in the industry, or anything else that might be of interest to people with similar interests as yours.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key. For example, if you are consistent in your writing style, it will be easy for people to know what they can expect from you. Consistency also helps people know what type of content to expect from your brand. This approach will enable your target group to engage with your posts and share them on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.

If you want to increase the chances that your audience will share or interact with your content, it is important that you maintain a consistent voice and tone across all platforms. Besides, don’t forget to write content on other websites, such as Medium or LinkedIn Articles (formerly known as LinkedIn Pulse).

Use Images and memes

Images and memes are more than just pretty pictures that add interest to your blog posts; they can break up the text and make it easier to read. They also serve as visual representations of what you’re saying, which makes them great at illustrating points you’re making in your content. For example, if you were writing about the benefits of eating blueberries, an image of some blueberries would work well as it helps readers visualise what you mean by “blueberries.”

Images add humour or personal touches. You can use images for both humour and personal touches by using photos from someone’s wedding or vacation photos from their recent trip around Europe (if this person writes about travel). This will help readers relate to what a writer has written as they connect on a more personal level with him/her!

Get Social with Your Content

The first step to going viral is getting your trendy content out there. You can do this by using social media platforms to share your content, get your website listed in social media directories, and use hashtags to make your content searchable.

Furthermore, once you’ve got people reading or watching your stuff on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest—you need to take advantage of that opportunity by engaging with them! In other words: don’t just post something great once and walk away. Instead keep an eye on what people are saying about it online (and respond appropriately), comment on other posts around the web that relate back to yours via relevant hashtags (think: #viralcontent) and share new content as often as possible!

Not only will this help ensure that more people see what you’ve put together but it will also give them a reason to come back again soon enough because they’ll want more info from YOU!


Hopefully, these strategies will help you reach more people than ever before with your next big idea—one that may even go viral! Though there are many ways to get the word out about what you have to say, it really comes down to making sure that whatever you write is well-researched, well-written, and original. The rest of the magic happens when other people want in on the fun they see happening around them. 


Zahidd H Javaali

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