In the ‘new normal’, people have started consuming more online content than ever before. Content is indeed king today. However, just any piece of content is not going to attract new customers to your brand. You have to keep producing and publishing content that the audience will want to read and share. Content marketing is … Continue Reading
Navigating Uncertain Times: How to Excel at Content Marketing in the COVID-19 Era
When the coronavirus crisis hit the world, everyone was scrambling to overcome the unknown challenge, especially marketers and content creators. Due to the risk of exposure to the virus, the whole world jumped ship and shifted its business to the web. Traditional marketing strategies underwent a serious makeover when brands drew away from on-ground marketing, … Continue Reading
Boost Your Brand: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Content Marketing
The difference between a company and a brand? A company is simply a registered organisation that produces and sells goods and services. It is a legal unit under which all contacts are signed, people are hired, and transactions are made. A brand is what the consumers directly interact with while buying products and services from … Continue Reading
Power Up B2B: The Definitive Guide to Effective Content Marketing for Businesses
Whenever you look up ‘content marketing’ on the internet, most search results are bound to show the phrase ‘content is key’. This much is true. However, not just anything can be released for your audience to consume. The content must be ‘valuable’. Content marketing is a technique to create and distribute content for attracting a … Continue Reading
SEO Success: How to Use Content Marketing to Boost Your Search Rankings
Today, when people are suffering from an overload of advertisements and promotions, content marketing is the best way to not only attract more audience, but also form a trusting relationship with them. However, content marketing is different from other forms of writing. Here are a few guidelines to follow which will help you in the … Continue Reading
Words That Work: A Beginner’s Guide to Crafting Compelling Content Writing
Content writing for beginners is a must as it is part of digital marketing. Content writing tips for beginners involve creating, writing, and editing website content to make it more appealing to the readers. All facets of marketing stem from writing and it can range from writing blog posts to video scripts and e-books, among … Continue Reading
The Top Content Marketing Success Stories & What You Can Learn
So, who uses content marketing? The short answer is: pretty much everyone does. Your company probably does, too! Content marketing is used by companies across all industries and of all sizes. This includes authors, podcasters, bloggers, vloggers and literally millions of other people. Here are some examples of who uses content marketing: -Anyone who wants … Continue Reading