
Ghostwriting: How to Write a Blog Without Actually Writing Any of It

Ghostwriting is a form of content marketing and SEO. It’s also social media marketing, but that’s another story. Ghost blogging is when a business hires a professional blogger to create content for them.

In this case, “ghost” means “ghostwriter.” The business would be the client, and your role as ghostwriter would be to write blog posts on behalf of that client—you fill in their voice and style using your own style and voice as well.

A ghostwriting service is a much-needed requirement for authors, entrepreneurs, and companies today. If firms cannot afford, experienced, high quality full-time content writers, their next best bet is freelance writers or content marketing firms, such as Write Wing Media. Content creation is both an art and science. Great content will not work if it’s not search engine optimised. And SEO will not work if there is no holistic content strategy as keyword research plays a crucial role.

Therefore, a freelance writer or a content writing agency is highly sought after by companies and publications alike. What’s more, even individuals looking to become a book author want their book proposal to be penned by a skilful writer. Quality content in a book can only be written by a freelance ghostwriter because they have the creative writing skills required for the job. A talented ghostwriter at Write Wing Media for example, is not only a credited author but also knows the writing process required for the writing job. Only after a detailed outline will the freelance writers get into the writing process. A ghostwriting client also needs to have the skill to judge a professional ghostwriter to ensure they reproduce the clients voice. Welcome to the world of ghostwriting.

Why do companies hire ghostwriters?

The goal of ghostwriting is to increase your visibility, credibility, and sales. A successful ghost writer will increase traffic to the client’s website by creating content that captures the reader’s attention and keeps them coming back for more. The client gets exposure with no effort on their part by hiring a professional writer who will promote their business through articles, social media shares/likes/reposts/retweets, and other methods of online marketing.

The author also helps build up the company’s social media profile by writing about topics that are relevant or interesting to their target audience. They will post links back to the client’s website as well as share these posts with their own followers so that more people learn about both parties involved in this transaction: the one paying for an article (the “client”) or posting it online (the “author”).

How does it work?

Ghostwriter is a service where businesses pay someone (like Write Wing Media) to write and publish blog posts on your behalf. You choose the topics that you want to write about, outline how long each post should be and then provide them with some information or photos that may be useful for the post.

The ghost blogger receives payment for their work. Once they have completed your request and published it on your behalf, they will not have access to any part of your company’s website’s backend, such as SEO settings or analytics.

What does a ghostwriter do?

A ghostwriter is someone who writes content for your business blog on your behalf. They do this by writing articles that reflect the values and goals of your company. Such writers or agencies are paid based on how many words or posts they write. The ghost blogger may be based in the same country as you or in a different country altogether.

In addition to writing great content, ghost bloggers can also help with keyword research to make sure that the keywords used on your site will lead people to it when they search online. This can help increase the number of visitors coming to your page, which means more potential clients or customers!

Is it effective?

Ghostwriting or ghostblogging is an effective way to run your business blog. It can help you to attract more customers and build trust with your brand. By hiring a ghost blogger, you avoid the time and effort required to write a blog post. This will give you more time to focus on other aspects of running your business, such as product development and marketing campaigns instead of creating new content for your site all the time.

Ghost blogging also allows you to reach a wider audience as many people don’t have time or ability to write articles themselves but still want their name associated with great content being published on the web.

How do you choose the best ghostwriter for your business?

How do you choose the right ghostwriter for your business? First, think about what kind of expertise and experience you need in your ghost writer. Do they have to be an expert in the SaaS industry? Or would it be better if they knew how to write about entrepreneurship and startups? Would that be more helpful?

Second, do they know how to write blog posts on a regular basis? If not, they might not be able to produce good content fast enough. And if their writing isn’t consistent, readers will get bored with it quickly—and stop reading altogether.


If you are looking for a way to get your message out there, ghostwriting is an excellent option. It is cost effective, it allows you to speak with authority on topics that interest you, and it doesn’t require any expertise in writing or other areas associated with running a blog. Instead of starting from scratch and learning everything about creating a successful blog yourself, ghostwriting allows someone else who has already learned those skills to do all the hard work while you reap the benefits.