10 Ways to Write an Email Newsletter That Gets Opened


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Make your subject line catchy and personal. A good way to do this is tell them what they're going to get out of reading it—like "How to make your company's website more secure".

Make your subject line catchy and personal. 

This helps break up the text and makes the whole thing more interesting to read.

Include images or videos in your newsletter.

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Keep 10% text and 90% visual content, depending on your audience. If they're younger than 25 years, 15% text is fine! 

Make sure it's not too long! People don't have time for long emails anymore, so keep it short and sweet!

Keep the email short

Keep the email short

Like "Hey there!" or "Hello there!"


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Start with a personal greeting

Start with a personal greeting

Never forget that your readers are busy people, and want everything in double quick time! Respect your time, and theirs!

Use short paragraphs and bolded headers for easy skimming by your readers

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Keep it simple—don't use jargon or long words that might confuse your readers.

Make sure you include links to actionable content, like blog posts or products your readers can buy directly from you!

If you send an email newsletter once a month, people will start to expect it—and look forward to it! It's like an extra present in their inbox every month.


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Be Consistent

If no one opens an email newsletter 

Then they didn't find anything interesting enough for them. Try again next time!

Newsletters are the best way to make sure you're top-of-mind...

With the people who care about you most, and they can be a great way to build your audience. For more on how you can make the most of email marketing, head over to Write Wing Media.

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